There have been changes made to the laws relating to the timing of when documents have been taken to have been served. Specifically, this relates to meeting notices (general meeting and strata committee meeting).
The changes have come about due to:
- Australia Post have changed customer usage patterns by introducing a two-tier postage system, with expected delivery within 1 – 4 business days for priority letters and 2 – 6 business days for regular letters. Our experience is that documents frequently arrive outside these estimated time frames.
- Section 76 of the Interpretation Act 1987 (“IA”) sets out the time frame within which a document sent by post will be deemed served. However, as from 28 November 2018, this has been amended to deem service within Australia or an external territory “to have been effected on the seventh working day after the letter was posted”, the superseding the previous rule of four business days.